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Explore 163 UCPlaces digital self-guided tours in United States

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to our Bridges of Arlington County and Washington DC self-guided GPS led audio driving tour. If you were looking for a DC driving tour map or a guided driving tour of DC, then you're really going to enjoy this tour. The UCPlaces app will take care of the navigation and tell you interesting stories along the route according to your location. All you need is your phone (with GPS / location services activated)! This tour starts at the Francis Scott Key Bridge and ends on Theodore Roosevelt Island, with PLENTY of interesting stops in between. Grab a sack lunch to take with you to enjoy on the island and let's get started!

Egyptian Museum

Hello there, and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of West Palm Beach, Florida. My name is Shelly and I'm excited to show you around today. Nestled along the glistening Atlantic Ocean, this tropical haven beckons with sun-kissed beaches, lush greenery, and a rich cultural tapestry. We will start with some shopping at Rosemary Square, stroll down Clematis Street for eclectic shops and dining, cross a couple of bridges, drive along the waterfront, explore Riviera Beach and Singer Island, and much, much more. So what do you say we get started? Great! Just follow your navigation and meet me at our first place.

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Historic America's self-guided GPS audio walking tour of the President's Neighborhood. If you were looking for a DC walking tour map or a guided tour of DC, near the White House, then you're really going to enjoy this tour. The UCPlaces app will take care of the navigation and tell you interesting stories along the route according to your location. All you need is your phone (with GPS / location services activated)! We're glad you could join us! I'm Aaron your guide (but I also respond to professional history nerd). This is the part of the tour where I fit in my shameless plug for our website (www.historicamerica.org) and invite you to use #historicamericatours on social media while traveling alongside us today. This tour will explore not just the White House, but the fascinating buildings which surround it.

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Historic America's self-guided GPS audio walking tour of the National Mall. If you were looking for a DC walking tour map or a guided tour of DC, around The National Mall, then you're really going to enjoy this tour. The UCPlaces app will take care of the navigation and tell you interesting stories along the route according to your location. All you need is your phone (with GPS / location services activated)! We're glad you could join us! I'm Aaron, your guide (but I also respond to professional history nerd). This is the part of the tour where I fit in my shameless plug for our website www.historicamerica.org and invite you to use the #historicamericatours on social media while traveling alongside us today. This tour will focus on the monumental core of Washington, DC, otherwise known as the National Mall. We'll begin with the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian Museums and end with the Lincoln Memorial. Along our walk, you'll see everything in-between.

Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Historic America & UCPlaces' self-guided GPS audio walking tour of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC. If you were looking for a DC walking tour map or a guided tour of DC, near Pennsylvania Avenue and the White House, then you're really going to enjoy this tour. The UCPlaces app will take care of the navigation and tell you interesting stories along the route according to your location. All you need is your phone (with GPS / location services activated)! I'm "Professional History Nerd", Rachel Tracey. I'll be your tour guide as we explore America's Main street, making our way through the heart of downtown to the most famous residence in the United States, the White House. Meet me at the historic Hotel Harrington, and let's begin!

Tour #1752 5
Egyptian Museum

Welcome to Historic America's walking tour of the Haight-Ashbury, one of San Francisco's most storied and colorful neighborhoods! I'm Aaron, your guide and professional history nerd. Before we begin, check out www.historicamerica.org to view our multitude of tour offerings and extra elements, like our podcast and Youtube series. I also invite you to use #historicamericatours on social media to show off your neighborhood adventure today. Let's begin. During the late 1960s, the Haight-Ashbury was home to the countercultural movement that sought to create a brave new world of free expression, free love, and new possibilities. Along these storied streets, the movement's followers - hippies - mounted a peaceful revolution against war, conformity, materialism, and oppression. There are at least two sides to every revolution, however, and although the hippie counterculture had its insights, it also had excesses. We'll explore both today. The hippies were joined by many of the most talented musicians and the most notorious personalities of their era. On this tour, we will explore their stories (along with a few others), ultimately discovering how the “flower children” left an indelible mark on the history of the Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco, and the United States. Alright, let's chill out, hang loose, and head back to 1967 and the Summer of Love. To get started, find your way to the intersection of Fulton & Stanyan streets.

Egyptian Museum

Hello, I am Lorraine Barclay Nordlinger of TTR Sotheby's International Realty. Please join me for a tour of the historic Georgetown section of Washington, DC. I Move Individuals and Organizations to a Better Place! I especially love the Washington Harbour/Potomac River and C&O Canal waterfront portions of this neighborhood where my husband, a 5th generation Washingtonian lived when I met him….And home of the St John's annual Georgetown House Tour which features a number of the neighborhood's most beautiful homes The Georgetown Historic District was created in 1950 to preserve its large concentration of well-preserved colonial and Federal period architecture. Notable residences and residents abound in this historic neighborhood. Housing in Georgetown consists of prominent, historic detached and row houses previously owned by the likes of John F. Kennedy, new development, townhomes and walk-up apartment buildings in the heart of DC. I'd love to talk with you after the tour, so give me a call at 202-285-3935, or send me an email! LorraineNordlinger.ttrsir.com (spell it out) Our tour will begin at the corner of Q Street Northwest and 27th Street Northwest, near the famous and historic Dumbarton House.

Egyptian Museum

Hello there and welcome to this UCPlaces Where-to-Live tour of Oakton, Virginia! This is Shelly and today I am going to show you around the area on behalf of Hava Nachum. She is a licensed Virginia realtor with Samson Properties. Her business was founded on two main pillars: Excellence in customer service and honesty. It's for that reason that she strives to use her knowledge and expertise to guide her clients through both the buying and selling process. Living in this area for the last twenty years and raising her three kids here has helped her to know this area inside and out. After your tour feel free to call Hava at 703.447.7009. She would LOVE to talk with you about your real estate needs. She also has more helpful information on her website - havanachum.com Mantua is a quiet suburb tucked away from the hustle of the D.C metropolitan area while still having plenty of food and entertainment close by. You can either take a break from city life and enjoy a quiet nature walk or go out for a night of drinks and entertainment in the comfort of your own community. Today we won’t just be in Mantua however. Within Fairfax County are multiple communities that offer a wide variety of things to see and do in the area. We will start in Merrifield, then make our way south through Annandale. Next we will take a drive through the beautiful neighborhoods in Mantua and finish off our tour in fun Old Town Fairfax. So let's begin at the corner of Gallows Road and Avenir Place in Merrifield. That's where we will find the Dunn Loring-Merrifield Metro.

Egyptian Museum

Hello, and welcome to this UCPlaces tour of Fauquier County, brought to you on behalf of our local real estate experts Brenda, Cynthia and Careen of Long & Foster Real Estate. Being longtime residents of Fauquier County & Culpeper County, their 40+ (combined) years of experience in the real estate industry and settlement process will serve you well. These Realtors make sure their service to their clients is top notch. They bring dedication, work ethic and commitment to each transaction and all of their clients. All right! Let's get this tour started from our Long & Foster office at 492 Blackwell Road, Warrenton, VA

Egyptian Museum

こんにちわ!ユーシープレイスにようこそ!今日は桜探検ツアーにご案内します。でもこのツアーは木だけではありません。記念碑、彫像、庭園、そして古い歴史的な家もあります。皆さんが散歩しながら桜を見ているのを邪魔したくありません。記念碑や博物館についての詳細のある他のユーシープレイスツアーがあります。今日は散歩しながら景色を眺めリラックスしましょう。このツアーは二てん五マイルあるので水分補給をしっかりして写真をたくさんとってください!  それでは、どのように桜の木がワシントンディーシーに来たのでしょう。千九百十年に日本の市長がアメリカに木を二千ぽんを送りました。残念なことに木々が害虫に冒されていたので、ウイリアムタフト大統領はその木々を使って巨大なたき火を作りました。日本はそのことについて申し訳なく思い健康な木を三千ぽんを送りました。 天候に応じて、四月のはじめころ木は約二週間さきます。満開の期間は四から七日間です。今年はタイミングが合っているでしょうか!ツアーはコンステテュ−ション アベニューと十六番通りの北西から始まります。 車で路上駐車を探したくないならツアー出発地点の近くにロナルド レーガン ビルのとても良い駐車場があります。13番通りとペンシルベニア アベニューから、またはコンステテューション アベニューとペンシルベニア アベニューの間にある14番通り上の建物から、その両脇からも駐車場へアクセスできます。 徒歩でしたらコンステテューションと16番の角で会いましょう。そして憲法の庭に入り非常に高いワシントン記念塔に向かいます。